The new year has barely begun and the beacons in the AI landscape are already being moved. OpenAI introduced two interesting developments last Wednesday: the ChatGPT Team subscription as well as the GPT Store. These extensions are an important step in accelerating the adoption of advanced AI technologies.

Let's look at how these innovations can transform the way we work and communicate.

ChatGPT Team

The ChatGPT Team subscription can accommodate up to 149 users, which means you can now easily use a shared ChatGPT environment with your entire team.

You can manage users and team data and chats remain private as they are not used for language model training.

All the benefits of ChatGPT Plus are included, such as access to DALL-E 3, GPT-4 with Vision, and advanced data analysis, but with a significantly larger "context window" of 32,000 tokens. This allows better performance of complex tasks involving extensive conversations or documents.

In addition, it allows team members to develop and share custom GPTs, enabling a whole new form of collaboration and innovation.

You can choose a flexible monthly subscription of $30 per user (starting from 2 users) or a yearly subscription of $25 per user per month. 

Existing ChatGPT users can easily upgrade by logging into their account.

Explore the possibilities with ChatGPT Team

GPT Store

Late last year, OpenAI already introduced the ability to develop your own custom GPTs, such as a "DenisDoelandGPT," for example.

Now individual developers and organizations can offer their own customized GPT models in the GPT Store. This makes them accessible to other users who can thus find specific models to suit their needs.

Discover the GPT Store here.

What are custom GPTs?

GPT stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer" and is simply put, a kind of language model for artificial intelligence to generate answers to questions.

Custom GPTs allow you to create your own versions of ChatGPT "without any coding" that combine instructions, additional knowledge and skills.

These GPTs can help you in your daily activities, in specific tasks, for yourself and for your business.

Again, there is a lot to discover and experiment with.

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This year, artificial intelligence (AI) is going to be increasingly integrated into the systems you use every day. Think Microsoft applications like Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook, and Google applications like Docs, Sheets and Gmail.

Search engines such as Google Search will change dramatically with the integration of AI. In addition, the latest laptops and smartphones will also be equipped with AI technology.

Microsoft, for example, has already announced that their new Surface laptop will be capable of "next-gen AI. Apple says it is working on advanced AI language models for iPhones and other devices. And Samsung is about to unveil the first AI-powered smartphones on Jan. 17 with their latest Galaxy S24 line.

OpenAI announced yesterday that starting next week, it will launch the GPT Store, where individual developers and organizations can offer their own customized GPT models. This increases the accessibility and diversity of AI tools, allowing users to find specific models to suit their unique needs and projects.  

In short, it promises to be a year in which AI takes a big leap forward in adoption.

How are you preparing for this AI-driven future?

Take a leap forward in your marketing AI transformation every week

Every Friday, we bring you the latest insights, news and real-world examples on the impact of AI in the marketing world. Whether you want to improve your marketing efficiency, increase customer engagement, sharpen your marketing strategy or digitally transform your business, "Marketing AI Friday" is your weekly guide.

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The expression "garbage in, garbage out" also applies to the use of AI. If you give AI tools incomplete or unclear input, you cannot expect high-quality output. To improve the quality of AI results, it is important to give clear and precise instructions. Sometimes you have to treat AI like a child to whom you have to explain something step by step so that it understands exactly what you mean.

You can apply the 6 techniques below to give better instructions, which will lead to better AI results. 

1. Give clear directions

Language models cannot guess what you are thinking. If you want short answers, ask for these. If you want more expert answers, ask for expert-level explanations. If you want a certain type of answer, show what it should look like. The clearer you are, the better the answer you will get.


  • Tell exactly what you want to know to get better answers.
  • Ask the model to impersonate a particular character.
  • Use punctuation to make different parts of your question clear.
  • Describe the steps required for what you want to do.
  • Give examples.
  • Say how long or short you want the answer to be.

Below you can see some examples.

Too limitedBetter
How do I add numbers in Excel? How do I add up a row of euro amounts in Excel? I want to do this automatically for an entire sheet of rows, with all totals ending on the right side in a column called "Total."
Who is the president? Who was Mexico's president in 2021, and how often are elections held?
Write code to calculate the Fibonacci sequence. Write a TypeScript function to efficiently compute the Fibonacci sequence. Comment the code in detail to explain what each piece does and why it is written that way.
Summarize meeting minutes. Summarize the minutes of the discussion in one paragraph. Then, for each speaker, describe their main points. Finally, list the next steps or possible action items suggested by the speakers.

2. Use sample texts

Language models can sometimes give wrong answers, especially on difficult topics or when they have to give quotes or Web addresses. Just as cheat sheets can help a student on a test, giving these models a text can help them give better answers without making things up.


  • Have the model answer with information from a given sample text.
  • Have the model respond with quotes from the sample text.

3. Make difficult tasks easier by breaking them into smaller pieces

Just as programmers break down complicated computer programs into smaller, easier-to-manage pieces, you can do the same with tasks for a language model. Difficult tasks often go wrong and are more difficult than easy tasks. Also, you can often divide difficult tasks into a series of easier tasks. Here you use the outcome of one task to make the next task easier.


  • Determine what is important in a user's question to find the appropriate instructions.
  • For long chat conversations, list or choose the most important parts of previous conversations.
  • Make step-by-step summaries of long texts and merge them into a complete summary.

4. Give the model time to think

If you need to quickly calculate how much 17 times 28 is, you may not know the answer right away, but you can figure it out if you take a moment. Similarly, language models make more mistakes if they have to answer immediately. By putting the model through a "thinking process" first, it arrives at better and more reliable answers.


  • Let the model come up with its own solution first, rather than immediately giving an answer.
  • Have the model think "out loud" or ask a few questions to understand how it arrives at an answer.
  • Ask the model if it has overlooked anything in previous attempts.

5. Use external tools

Improve the performance of the language model by combining it with other tools. For example, a text retrieval tool can give the model information about relevant documents. A program to execute code, such as OpenAI's Code Interpreter, can help the model compute and run code. If a task can be done better or faster with a tool other than a language model, use it to get the best result.


  • Use a special search method to find information quickly and properly.
  • Use a program to do calculations more accurately or to connect to other systems.
  • Give the model access to specific functions.

6. Test changes systematically

Improving performance is easier if you can measure it. Sometimes a small change in a task may work better for a few examples, but worse for a larger, more representative group of examples. Therefore, to be sure that a change really is an improvement, it is sometimes necessary to do a comprehensive test (also known as an "evaluation").


  • Evaluate the model's answers by comparing them with the best, correct answers.

The above techniques come from the OpenAI "Prompt engineering guide. Check out this guide if you want to dive into this in more detail.

Extra: Create custom instructions in ChatGPT

ChatGPT offers the ability to enter your own instructions and background information about yourself in the "Settings," which contributes to better results.

Click on the '...' by your profile, then choose 'Custom instructions' ('Custom instructions'). Activate this option, and enter information about yourself at the top. Below that, give instructions on how you want ChatGPT to respond. For example, you can specify that you want 'informal text', 'replies in Dutch', and 'detailed replies'.

Take a leap forward in your marketing AI transformation every week

Every Friday, we bring you the latest insights, news and real-world examples on the impact of AI in the marketing world. Whether you want to improve your marketing efficiency, increase customer engagement, sharpen your marketing strategy or digitally transform your business, "Marketing AI Friday" is your weekly guide.

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