We launch a digital steering committee with all stakeholders from your team. With this team, we work out your product proposition(s), planning, processes and P&L (budget). Then, using the Business Acceleration Framework, we determine the Goals & Objectives. After that, we work out and/or sharpen the Content Impact Strategy according to the Content Impact Model. We use the following components in this:
- Positioning (why, how and what) to position your higher purpose and mission very powerfully and distinctively and align all marketing and communications with it. If the positioning is unambiguous, clear and catchy, the story also becomes very powerful. We evaluate the current positioning, objectives and analyze where the gaps are between the new and current positioning. Where necessary, we help sharpen the positioning.
- What different audiences you have and what do they love about you. We analyze the audiences, fan journey and needs.
- Based on our 'Content Impact Model' we develop the powerful story ('storytelling'). This story makes you stand out from other labels/artists and builds a preferred position with your audience.
- We help sharpen and develop relevant content themes and formats (text, stories, photos, videos, etc.) that can be developed by you throughout the year and shared through various channels.
- To make content distribution as good and effective as possible, we provide advice on the distribution channels (social media, streaming channels, website, email, etc...) that are deployed, how to do so, how to anticipate algorithm changes and new functional applications, and how to deploy marketing automation such as email marketing more effectively and scalably (including workflows).
- To monitor and adjust progress on objectives, we work out the most important measurement criteria and determine monthly evaluation moments together. An important part of this is the use of data dashboards.