In this interview, Jorik Helmink, General Manager of Scantraxx, the label for the harder styles tells how he developed the Business Acceleration Framework uses. "Thanks to using the framework, I'm able to steer by data, instead of gut feeling."

Steering by data

Scantraxx expressed its ambition to become a leader in the digital field. To realize that ambition, the label set to work with the Business Acceleration Framework. Helmink: "By applying a data-driven approach, we can realize even more growth for our artists. That's why we got all the knowledge and information flows above water and set up a new structure in the company. That new structure gives us the complete overview of both operations and cash flows, which we didn't have a clear understanding of before."

Insight is also provided to Scantraxx by monitoring all online channels. "Thanks to a clear understanding of this data, we can roll out our digital strategy and achieve objectives in a structured way. We move away from gut feeling and can say with certainty what profitable investments are. Based on the number of streams of an artist's previous tracks, forecasts can be drawn up. That way we know if-and to what extent-we can co-invest from the label in, say, a music video."

Understanding fan relationships

To gain an understanding of the label's performance, Scantraxx not only measures how its own fans are doing. "We also do weekly competitive analysis for all relevant online channels, such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. This allows us to see what is working and how we can do certain things better ourselves. That's how we stay top of mind with our fans and the whole scene."

One of the ways Scantraxx stays top of mind is by increasing the post rate (or: the Digital Heartbeat) as needed. "We post at least as often, but preferably more often, than our competition. This way we build a strong relationship with our fans, by passing by on their timeline more often. In doing so, we take into account the different time zones around the world. A big advantage: this makes our marketing more efficient and allows us to reach a larger percentage of our online followers. We know better how to reach certain groups and no longer shoot with hail. I call it "the new advertising": spend less, get more results. This is also because we have started to give a bigger role to sending mailings. By increasing our role in the ecosystem of Scantraxx and the artists we work with, we are reaching even more fans."

Handiness in digital domain

Scantraxx aims to cross-pollinate between the various artists active on the label, creating a larger digital ecosystem. "We let our artists benefit from each other's reach. That mutual, online, support takes each other further and exudes unity. For example, they share each other's music or include each other's music in a playlist. Together we are strong and have the greatest reach."

Another handoff in the digital realm, the label is partnering with NXTLI. "They support us in terms of content strategy. Thanks to a weekly meeting with NXTLI, in which we discuss progress and formulate action points, there is continuous interaction. It's nice to work with a specialized party that knows how to get even more out of our content."

Digital mature organization

Before getting started, Scantraxx first started with a scan of the extent to which an organization is Digitally Mature. "That turned out to be disappointing; we scored inadequate for this scan. Fortunately, after a few months we gained more insight and it became clear how we could do more things digitally. We now score almost a seven in this area. In concrete terms, that means: first we were collecting data, now we can use data to estimate the future. That gives more peace and confidence in daily operations."

For example, DJs use music videos to promote an album or song. Thanks to data insights, it is possible to make a reasonable estimate of how many streams a particular song will generate. "Our forecasts are not a matter of gut feeling, but data-driven. We make a below-, mid- and above-streaming target for a certain period of time together with the artists during the preparation of a release. As a result, we both know what we have to work for to achieve it. Setting targets offers clear advantages. It allows us to make interim adjustments if a release needs more social media coverage to meet the targets. This makes our releases better marketed and investments better balanced. We are also creating more content for Spotify, because we see the growth in streams there."

Business activation and further ambitions

The label is betting heavily on revenue model activation. "As we manage the new internal processes and digital label strategy better and better, we are looking at how to use this strategy for new labels to be set up. This will create new revenue models. Our structure is increasingly coming into its own, which is why we are now able to implement on this digital label structure in new labels to be set up, if there is a demand for it. This prevents new labels from making decisions on gut feeling and also allows them to be data-driven. As a result, they make better decisions, spend less money on marketing and don't have to reinvent the wheel themselves. That setup is scalable."

Conclusion: increasing ambition

Scantraxx's ambition was to become a leader in the digital field. During the last edition of HDE (the event within ADE for the harder styles), the label gave a talk about the transformation it is going through. "We got positive reactions to that. The next step is to put our ambition even bigger and wider, on more stages and show even more appealing results."

Note: In this corona era, there is a need to share insights that industry peers may benefit from. I understand that some of this may come across as colored. As a consultant to Scantraxx and a founder of the Business Acceleration Framework, I have tried to shape this interview as objectively as possible.

Many marketing managers and business owners experience a challenge in properly aligning and integrating content marketing activities throughout the business. As a result, the marketing team is often very busy developing and publishing content, but lacks clear business results. That x number of posts have been posted on socials and some growth in followers has been achieved is - especially in this severe corona crisis - no longer enough. It is essential to have a content marketing strategy that really makes a difference and clearly contributes to business results!

In the more than 10 years that I have now been involved in content marketing, I have developed the Content Impact Model through trial and error. This model is a structure with 9 building blocks that to me are indispensable to develop a successful content marketing strategy that properly integpricing all parts of the organization. In this article, I share these building blocks that will help you develop and execute a content strategy that truly makes an impact.  

Content Marketing, what do we mean by that? 

In case you're not very familiar with the term "content marketing," let's first briefly review what we mean by it. This term was created around 2010 by American Joe Pulizzi. He is considered the "godfather" of content marketing and is the founder of Content Marketing Institute and Content Marketing World.

Joe describes content marketing as follows:

"Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience - and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action."

So content marketing goes far beyond some posts on social media for some awareness, promotion and sales. It is a strategic marketing approach to really build a valuable relationship with your audience that ultimately creates a profitable business model.

Michiel Schoonhoven - Joe Pulizzi
Together with Joe at Content Marketing World

The 9 building blocks of the Content Impact Model

As content marketers, we often dive into execution mode very quickly. 'We need a post for Facebook, Instagram . 2 blogs... and oh yeah we also have a LinkedIn and Twitter channel where we need to post. And we have a target of 3-5 posts in the week, so hup to work'. Such a situation is a daily occurrence in many organizations. Recognizable?

During the implementation process, all sorts of questions also often arise such as "Who exactly do we want to reach with this post, what is the best time to post, what do we want to achieve with it?

I find that many organizations lack a clear strategic framework. Many puzzle pieces are present, but the puzzle has not yet been put together. This requires a good structure that connects the puzzle pieces all together.

In my search for the most complete and workable structure, I defined 9 blocks and connected them into a model. I renamed this model the Content Impact Model, the model that allows you to do content marketing that has real impact!

1. The "Why?

What is the higher purpose of your business?

This first building block is the long-term direction where you want to go as an organization, your compass. This is not about a certain market share, profit or financial value of your organization, but about your organization's right to exist. Why do you really matter and what is the result of the added value you ultimately want to achieve for people or society. This is deeply rooted in the intrinsic motivation why the founder started the company. And people who work for the company if all goes well get out of bed every day for it!

2. The "How.

How will you realize your higher purpose?

Once your higher purpose is clear, you can begin to determine what it will take to actually begin to achieve your goal. In what short and longer term steps do you want to achieve your goal? What does your organization look like? How will you work together? How do you serve your audience? In what ways do you really want to add value? What is your company's philosophy?

Suppose your higher goal is to reach Mount Everest. Then your "How" describes what it takes to go about achieving it. Materials, preparations, team, cooperation, etc..

3. The "What.

What products, services, services and/or experiences do you deliver in a certain way (how) to start achieving your higher purpose (why)? Also, are these "propositions" all clear? Is it clear what value it adds for your audience and what it brings to yourself? In what way does it contribute to achieving your higher purpose?

Perhaps these three building blocks look familiar to you. They correspond to the well-known 'Golden Circle' of Simon Sinek. As far as I am concerned, these blocks are also the heart of your organization, the starting points to work from and to further develop your organization. In these 3 building blocks we lay the foundation for the necessary content culture and organization.

In the next building block, we connect your audience to that.

4. The "Who.

Who is your audience that is interested in the products, services, services and/or experiences you provide in some way to start achieving a higher goal? What matching characteristics do people have that you are relevant to? The pitfall is often: wanting to appeal to everyone. Define a clearly identifiable group of people with similar characteristics (your "audience," "persona," or "target audience"). The more specific and smaller this group of people is, the better you have defined 'your niche'. Dare to choose very clearly and become super relevant to that group of people.

These first four building blocks form your positioning (why, how, what and who). With these you can position your organization from the higher goal very powerfully and distinctively and align all marketing and communication expressions with this. If the positioning is clear, unambiguous and distinctive, you have a solid basis for the following building blocks.

You can now create a clear positioning statement. To do this, use the following structure:

I / we ...... (describe what you deliver, your 'what')
To ...... (your audience, your 'who')
By / in the following way ........ (how you deliver 'what' to your audience. Your 'How')
Because I/we...... (your why)

You can then incorporate the above into a concise positioning statement.

5. The Fan Trip

What phases does someone go through from not knowing you at all to someone being your biggest fan, your ambassador? To work this out properly, it is very important that you know your audience very well. What information does someone need at what point in the fan journey? What questions do people ask themselves to eventually come to a decision related to what you offer? How does someone search for these answers, which search terms are used? Good luck with selling your products through your Facebook page.

6. Your story

What story are you telling? What real, honest and relevant stories do you tell during the different phases of the fan journey so that they match the needs of your audience? What answers do you give to the questions people ask during the fan journey? 

7. Content service

What forms of content do you create to tell your stories? Are there content themes, different content types? Is there a content style guide? Is there a schedule for developing content?

8. Content distribution

How do you distribute content? What distribution channels do you use to distribute your content? How do you deploy them and what is the goal for each distribution channel? How do you use marketing automation to make distribution more effective? Which channels perform well and not so well? Which channels are relevant to your audience at what stage of the fan journey and how are you performing there?

9. Measuring and adjusting

How do you measure performance and make adjustments? It is difficult to answer the above questions if you do not measure the performance of your content and distribution channels properly. Define your goals very specifically so that they can be measured. That way you can make timely adjustments. How do you organize the tracking of your content? How do you store important data to make it actionable? What are the objectives per step in the fan journey, what are the conversions and how do you measure them? How do you make the analyses insightful and report them? There is still a world to be won here.

Build your content marketing foundation 

You can use these 9 building blocks to develop a successful content marketing strategy. Make sure all the puzzle pieces are complete and well laid. Then you will have a solid foundation to take the next steps with your content marketing activities. And to start accelerating in the digital landscape.

Want to know how your organization is doing digitally and how you can accelerate? We'd be happy to do a Quick Scan for you.

Do you have questions about improving your content marketing results? Ask them via chat or email and we'll be happy to help. You can also call me at 06-43046468 to exchange thoughts on this.

Want to know more about real-world results?

Read 'How Chickslovefood achieved 50% growth'
Read 'Scantraxx prevents steering by gut feeling'