WKLY by NXTLI - Week 29
Every week Jeroen keeps up with the news and developments within Content Marketing. In the Netherlands and abroad. Full of tips, trends and innovations. Critical and open, with an eye to the future within a fascinating world in which digital content has become indispensable.
This week: innovation at Instagram, a redefinition of growth, a missed opportunity for the European Petanque Championship, a survey of podcast usage and a podcast tip.
Innovation of the week
Instagram has been suffering declining reach numbers for some time. Yet they are not sitting still. The platform is now coming out with a feature that allows a purchase to be made directly through a DM, called Meta Pay. This allows users or followers of a brand, to interact directly with a brand. Once they want to make a purchase, it can be paid directly via a DM. Currently, the feature will only be available in the United States, but there is a good chance that it will be rolled out in other countries within a short time.

Insight of the Week
It is time to redefine the definition of "Growth." That is what Chrisiaan Slierendrecht argues for in his article on MarketingFacts.
The world is on fire
After all, the world is on fire. There is war, there is a climate crisis, there is inflation, the housing market is upside down, there is a labor shortage, healthcare is under pressure and so on. So is it still appropriate for Marketers to focus exclusively on growth in margin, efficiency, revenue or profit?
Perhaps Marketers could better focus on growth in the form of connecting with the environment, creating value, helping others develop. In that case, the redefinition of growth would go more toward "transformation.
Research of the Week
While 49% of Dutch people aged 18 or older listen to a podcast on occasion, brands allocate only 8.8% of their media budget to audio, according to the Market Effect Podcast Monitor #7.
Opportunities for brand positioning in audio
This research shows that we as Marketers need to start adapting ourselves faster to keep up with the pace of consumers. At the same time, the success of podcasts may also be a result of the wide range and absence of commercial messages. So the trick will be to be complementary and relevant to the podcast topic, to position your brand.
Podcast of the week
A personal favorite of mine is the podcast "What actually happens in your head?".
The podcast is the product of the company of Klaas Dijkhoff, Bas Erlings and Tom de Bruyne, called Sue & The Alchemists. In the podcast, the men pair current events with theoretical knowledge in behavioral influence and framing. A must-listen for anyone dealing with customers and consumer behavior.
Missed opportunity of the week

My heart beat faster when I heard of about the European Petanque Championship. During the pandemic, I played the French game several times in a park. Neat on 1.5 meters and good for social connection.
For the Dutch Jeu de Boules Association (NJBB), the European Championship was the unique opportunity to improve the sport's image and contribute to the fight against Loneliness. The tournament took place in mid-July in Den Bosch, including a stadium in the city center.
Large target group with great potential
The NJBB has 16,000 members, but that number is considerably higher if we include the visitor numbers of Jeu de Boules Bars and Petanque-playing Millenials in the city park - like myself. So an EK, in the middle of Den Bosch, should appeal to a large audience!
Unfortunately, the tournament's content strategy seems to have become an underthought. A screenshot of the feed on Instagram shows that content distribution (see image) and content quality have not been well thought out. A shame, because organizing an event without properly sharing the resulting content defeats its purpose.
Let's hope that next year the event also gets the digital attention it deserves. For there is no doubt that the event looked wonderful organizationally.
Team TOC or NJBB, you can always email me.
Digital content strategy with the NXTLI Dashboard
Jeroen Westermann is Content Strategist at NXTLI. With the NXTLI Dashboard, developed by NXTLI, we provide insight into the results of a brand, club, person or organization on its digital channels. We connect this with value and with commercial results. Based on this we create content strategies and develop digital campaigns that accelerate and optimize growth. Interested in how this can work for your organization? Contact me via email.