Want to get more insight into AI developments? Then this extensive interview "What if Dario Amodei is right about AI?" between journalist Ezra Klein of The New York Times and Dario Amodei, the founder and CEO of Anthropic, is highly recommended.  

Anthropic is the company behind the leading AI model Claude, a competitor to ChatGPT. Unfortunately, only the limited free version of Claude is available in the Netherlands, not the more powerful Pro version that offers many more features.

When Dario Amodei was still at OpenAI (between 2016-2020), where he was vice president of research, he began to wonder what would happen if you fed AI more and more data. Together with his colleagues, he researched this. They found that AI not only performed better with more data, but that this improvement was exponential. The growth of AI capabilities started slowly at first, but then skyrocketed. This growth curve showed the characteristic shape of a field hockey stick.

Today, Amodei is the CEO of AI company Anthropic. He still believes that AI is growing exponentially. This is based on so-called scaling laws. He thinks we are now in the steep rise of that growth curve.

One of Amodei's predictions is about the development of AI models in the next three months to two years. He believes that a new generation of language models will become available every 4 to 8 months and that AI can start performing complex tasks with 99.9% accuracy. Such as writing code and running tests. These AI agents will be able to perform sequences of 20 to 30 steps accurately, according to Amodei. This is an important step for practical AI applications for multi-step work, as is common in marketing, among others. 

Amodei also predicts that AI models will soon have more personality, while remaining objective and actionable. This could greatly accelerate the adoption of AI, as users will feel more connected to this technology.

Enabling these developments and staying ahead requires massive investments that only a handful of large tech companies such as Microsoft, Google, Meta, Apple and Amazon can afford. According to Amodei, training the current language models costs about $100 million. The new generation of models coming out later this year will easily require $1 billion. And investments run as high as $5 to $10 billion for the models expected in 2025 and 2026! 

The interview was not only about the possibilities of AI, but also the ethical and security challenges. It is crucial that AI models can understand "truth" and ethics. Especially in a world where people do not always agree on what is true.  

This talk highlights the enormous developments and potential of AI, but also makes clear the importance of being prepared for the high rate of change that is predicted.

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It's almost a weekly pivot as to which tech company comes out with a major AI update. Last week, it was Meta's turn.

With the introduction of their new language model Llama 3, integrated into Meta AI, Meta is taking a huge step forward. It is not yet available in the Netherlands, but Meta AI is a powerful AI assistant that you can use for free within Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger and via the website meta.ai.

According to Meta, Llama 3 outperforms other leading AI models such as Google's Gemma and Mistral, and even outperforms Gemini Pro 1.5 and Claude 3 Sonnet on certain tests.

What can you do with Llama 3 & Meta AI? 

Real-time image generation

Impressive is the ability to generate images in real time as you type. As you type, you see an image being created and you can modify it by typing new instructions.

Imagine in the (near) future, being able to generate audio and video this way too!

Searching information

You can use Meta AI for all sorts of practical things, from finding concerts nearby or a particular restaurant to solving math problems.

Integrated into all Meta apps

The AI is directly accessible through the Meta.ai website and is integrated into search functions within Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger. This makes it easy to get real-time information without switching between apps. 

Meta offers Meta AI with Llama 3 for free and as open source. Most other AI tools such as ChatGPT, Gemini and Claude have paid subscriptions for their most powerful models. And those are not open-source.

An advantage of open source is that the technology becomes more accessible and available to all. A disadvantage is potential security risks and misuse, due to lack of oversight.

Meta's approach is, on the one hand, a strategic move against competitors. On the other hand, Meta's aim is to encourage innovation and expand their networks.

Take a leap forward in your marketing AI transformation every week

Every Friday, we bring you the latest insights, news and real-world examples on the impact of AI in the marketing world. Whether you want to improve your marketing efficiency, increase customer engagement, sharpen your marketing strategy or digitally transform your business, "Marketing AI Friday" is your weekly guide.

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Microsoft has unveiled VASA-1, an advanced AI model that can generate hyper-realistic videos of talking human faces with just a photo and audio clip.

As this example shows, the videos show accurate lip-synching, facial expressions and natural head movements making them seem very real.

An interesting development, but beware: deepfakes are becoming increasingly convincing. How will you recognize them soon?

Read more about VASA-1 and see more examples here.

For now, this is only a demonstration; there is no product or release plan yet.

Take a leap forward in your marketing AI transformation every week

Every Friday, we bring you the latest insights, news and real-world examples on the impact of AI in the marketing world. Whether you want to improve your marketing efficiency, increase customer engagement, sharpen your marketing strategy or digitally transform your business, "Marketing AI Friday" is your weekly guide.

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