Welcome to Marketing AI Friday.

How nice that you want to make leaps and bounds in your marketing AI transformation. We are happy to help you with this and from now on you will receive the 'Marketing AI Friday' in your inbox every Friday. You will also receive access to the template 'AI policy' and 'AI Marketing Scan'.

You will receive an email from me from michiel@nxtli.com, so make sure you add @nxtli.com as your desired email so that you receive it in your inbox right away.

Below you can take a look at some of the most recent developments.

With inspiring regards,

Michiel Schoonhoven

Want to get more insight into AI developments? Then this comprehensive interview "What if Dario Amodei is right about AI?" between journalist Ezra Klein of The New York Times and Dario Amodei, the founder and CEO of Anthropic, is highly recommended. Anthropic is the company behind the leading AI model Claude, a competitor of ChatGPT. Unfortunately [...]

It's almost a weekly pivot which tech company comes out with a major AI update. Last week, it was Meta's turn. With the introduction of their new language model Llama 3, integrated into Meta AI, Meta is taking a huge step forward. It is not yet available in the Netherlands, but Meta AI is a powerful AI assistant that you can use for free [...]

Michiel Schoonhoven

Michiel Schoonhoven

Manager Partner NXTLI

NXTLI is a data-driven content marketing agency. We help organizations develop and implement a next level Content Impact Strategy.

Since 2009 I have been active in the field of content marketing. I regularly speak at Content Marketing World and I am a jury member of the international Content Marketing Awards.