
OpenAI and Moderna collaboration: 750 custom GPTs within 2 months

OpenAI has shared an interesting real-world example of how biotechnology company Moderna is deploying ChatGPT Enterprise broadly within its organization. The company aims for 100% adoption of generative AI by all its employees within six months. And is deploying a special transformation program for this purpose with training, AI ambassadors and support from management. 

With the launch of ChatGPT Enterprise, Moderna decided not to further develop their internal chatbot mChat, but to fully deploy ChatGPT. Within two months of the launch, Moderna already had:

  • 750 custom GPTs in use
  • 40% of users were active weekly with GPTs
  • and each user had an average of 120 ChatGPT conversations per week.

AI is used company-wide for data analysis, contract management, policy questions and communications, among others. 

"With just a few thousand people, technology and AI allow us to perform like a team of 100,000," says CEO Stéphane Bancel. "AI allows us to work more efficiently and accurately, which ultimately leads to better outcomes for patients."

An important lesson from Brad Miller, Chief Information Officer of Moderna: 

"90% of companies want to get started with AI, but only 10% are successful at it. The reason they fail is because they have not built mechanisms to actually transform the workforce and adopt new technologies and capabilities."

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