
Google's core algorithm update August 2024: What you need to know

google algorithm update august 2024

When Google makes a major update in their algorithm, it has a major impact on how websites are ranked in Google and what position you come up with keywords. Google regularly adjusts the algorithm to ensure that users get the most relevant search results.

The August 2024 core algorithm update is one such update, in this article we share some findings about the update and advice on what to focus on.

Forums and User Generated Content (UGC) continue to do well

During the update now underway in August 2024, we see that forums and user-written content (UGC) still perform well in search results.

While this is not a new trend and has been around for some time, it is remarkable that this type of content continues to have so much value. Reddit is a good example of this. A small increase in visibility can quickly lead to many additional visitors for Reddit, as the platform already has a large number of users.

Niche and local businesses get more visibility

Another important change is that both niche and local businesses seem to be doing better in search results. This presents opportunities especially for SMEs and niche companies. Where previously large national players or multinationals were often at the top (partly due to a combination of amount of content, domain authority, through links and branding) we now see that smaller and medium-sized companies are also scoring better in national searches. This is a positive development as it also gives smaller companies a chance in the playing field.

Relevance of your website

Domain relevance also plays a larger role. It remains important that your domain name and the services you offer are consistent with other content on your website. Sites that get this right seem to hold their position(s) well or rank better in search results than before.

So while we see smaller and medium-sized companies doing well, that does not mean that all big brands are/will do worse. Brands that already have an established name and receive constant flow of authoritative backlinks continue to perform well in search results. These brands continue to do well because of their broad visibility both on and off the Internet and because of their a multi-channel approach.

Our findings

With an algorithm update, it is important not to react emotionally too quickly, whether you are positive or negative about the changes in terms of rankings. This is because it may take some time before all the effects are fully visible.

Recently, there have been many complaints about Google's performance, as some people feel the search results have become less relevant. Google seems to be taking these concerns seriously, especially given the emergence of new competitors such as SearchGPT, which means that in addition to SEO, AIO is going to become more important.

The August 2024 core update shows how important it is to create content that fits well with what your visitors are looking for. The success of forums and User Generated Content shows that people need valuable and real information. Therefore, it is important that your content is not only informative, but that it really responds to your visitor's needs.

What can you do?

Make sure that the content on your website is relevant to your services and matches your visitors' questions and expectations. You can do this, for example, by creating a content strategy, in which you create content that connects to different stages of the fan journey. It is also important that your content is well structured and easy to read, so that visitors can quickly find what they are looking for.

Google values websites that put their visitors first and provide the best user experience. By focusing on the quality of your content, you increase your chances of ranking well in search results regardless of future Google updates. Visitors will stay on your site longer and actually be interested in what you have to say, which can further improve your ranking.

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