About Silke Wester
Next Level Impact (NXTLI) is a data-driven content marketing agency that supports organizations in digital growth.
Silke plays an important role on the team by developing creative and innovative content concepts.
She ensures that these concepts are developed in an innovative way, making strategic use of the latest trends and channels.
With a particular affinity for TikTok, Silke helps clients not only with unique content ideas, but also with setting up and growing social media channels. Her approach combines creativity, data insights and a keen eye for what really works in the digital world.
Articles by Silke Wester
Google considers Content Marketing the most important ranking factor
Instagram is removing the 'Swipe up' feature. The beloved functionality will disappear and be replaced with a new sticker. This new sticker would better suit the way stories are used by Instagram users.
Instagram Stories 'Swipe up' replaced by sticker on Aug. 30, 2021
Instagram is removing the 'Swipe up' feature. The beloved functionality will disappear and be replaced with a new sticker. This new sticker would better suit the way stories are used by Instagram users.
NXTLI is a marketing agency specializing in combining data, AI and content. We help organizations build valuable relationships with their audiences and increase their digital growth and impact.
With our pillars of AI, Business, Content and Data, we develop smart strategies and solutions, such as scans, growth programs, dashboards and AI colleagues.
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Overhoeksplein 1
1031 KS Amsterdam
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